
Happy New Year!

To put it mildly, 2015 was draining, emotionally and physically. At least it was for me. There are several reasons why, but I’m not getting into the negative ones because I’m starting the year off positive. Wrapped up in a nut shell, I allowed the negative things throw me off balance. That ended yesterday.

Going forward I’ll focus on the positive and on things I CAN control, like my business and my self balance and happiness. I’ve set goals for both business and personal life and will share them here in hopes to inspire others to set goals to improve all aspects of their life. Of course, even though I am an author, I still see myself as a business owner. I need to write the books and get people to purchase them. To try and increase success, one of my friends suggested that I do something different this time around. She said that I should consider doing some market research with my next book. Without giving away the plot too much, I would give people a small summary of the book and ask them whether they would read it or not. I could also send some surveys out to people who have read it for feedback. That was a great idea. Maybe I will start doing that. Anyway, here are my goals.

Personal goals:

  • Don’t let negativity in. Meditate daily release any and all negative thoughts and feeling go.
  • Take more time for me. Happiness really is the key to a loving home and successful business.
  • Be a little more frugal. I’ve realized that I’m spending a lot of money in places I don’t need to.
      For example, I just renew my car insurance with the same provider each year but after looking on young alfred insurance, I realized I could be getting cheaper rates elsewhere!
  • Enjoy the little things.
  • Read more!

Business goals:

  • Make better business decisions. Not that I didn’t in 2015, but I need to focus on what I love the most. Writing and creating!
  • Get my alter ego up and going. I want to write mysteries and plan to under the pen name Aleah Raynes.
  • Continue to publish every month or every other month.
  • Make 2016 my best year ever!

Where can you find me in 2016? I hope to see you there!

Stay tuned for other appearances. 😀